
IELTS Speaking Sample Questions with Answers: Sunglasses

The face-to-face Speaking test for both paper-based and computer-delivered is divided into three parts. The first part is (Introduction & Interview (4-5 minutes)) and consist of questions about topics that are familiar to you such as family, work and your interests. The second part is called (Individual long turn (3-4 minutes)) In this part, the examiner will provide you a task card, and you can think for a minute for your response to a particular topic. The last part is a (Two way discussion (4-5 minutes)) where the examiner asks more in-depth questions related to part 2. This gives you an opportunity to showcase your broad range of vocabulary, grammar, fluency and pronunciation.

Part 1: Introduction & Interview

1. Do people in your country wear sunglasses?

Yes. My country is almost sunny all year round so most of the people wear sunglasses to cut down on sun’s glare.

2. Do you like to wear sunglasses?

Absolutely. Sunglasses is more than just a fashion statement to me, it can say a lot about a person and even hide your emotion.

3. Do you often wear sunglasses?

I wear only when I go out and if it’s really bright. I live now in Saudi Arabia and wearing sunglasses during day times are of extreme important.

4. Where do you buy sunglasses?

I used to buy in shops but lately online shopping become my favorite spot for sunglasses.

Part 2: Individual long turn

IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card.

Describe a fashion item you often use.

You should say:

  • what it is
  • how often you use it
  • why you use it

And explain how you feel about using it.

I think sunglasses is the fashion accessory that I wore most of the time because it is quite handy and useful especially in the place where I live now. The one that I use more often is the sun-glass from Prive Revaux. The design is chic and edgy, I bought it on-line from Amazon. But back in the Philippines I didn’t wear sunglasses very often because I usually worked at night shift.

I look pretty cool with this shade so I wear it daily when I go to work. After years of living in sunny Saudi Arabia, I’d gotten into the habit of wearing so much that I sometimes forgot  that I was still wearing my sunglasses inside the mall complex.

Most of us see our sunglasses as a sort of fashion accessory but sunglasses is more than just a fashion statement. It helps me reduce the bright glare of sunlight and act as a barrier against dust and debris. Shades is extremely important to cover our eyes from harsh damaging Ultra Violet rays. Some people use it as status symbol. Many of these authentic designer sunglasses are emblazoned with recognizable logos.

Wearing sunglasses can actually make me feel happier, without it I usually squint and scrunch my face into a frown, resulting to look angry or distressed. When intense sunlight make us squint, it can suddenly change our feeling.

 Part 3: Two way discussion 

What are the main reasons for wearing sunglasses?

To have a comfortable vision, for me, is one reason why people wear sunglasses. The sun’s brightness interfere our comfortable vision and the ability to see clearly. Protection from dust and debris are the other reasons why we need to wear sunglasses.

Do you think more young people wear sunglasses nowadays than in the past? Why do they?

In my opinion, fewer youngsters at present wear sunglasses because kids now spend much time playing indoor games compared in previous generation. They prefer now in staying indoors playing video games than physical games that requires sunglasses.

Watch the video version of this article: Sunglasses

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